Found a few photos of the paintings I have done of gondolas. Odd subject matter perhaps?! lol

When we travel, we tend to go up on gondolas. I'm afraid of heights so I'm always challenged! The top painting is when we were in Lucerne, Switzerland and my son and I were in a small red gondola. I was too chicken to take the big one to the top, so I sat and watched him go up. This painting is an intrepertation of what I saw.  They scare the beegebies out of me, but I think they are cool! On a side note, I told my son, we need to listen to music to take my mind off of my fears, we ended up randomly  cranking ZZ Top and it did the trick! I always chuckle when I see this painting as my son will forever think of his mother sining to ZZ Top in Switzerland.  Cheers! 
